All About Gardening. But First, A little Gardening History
Gardening history as well as the history of horticulture goes back many thousand of years to the first efforts of our ancestors to switch from gathering to growing their own crops.
The history of what we today consider gardens can be easily traced back to the Persian gardens, many of which still exist in what is now Iran and Iraq.
The Romans adopted the practice and from there it spread to Europe and Great Britain. And of course, they brought this knowledge with them to America.
Many of the early gardeners were physicians and scientists who kept collections of plants to study them for their medicinal uses.
There were also many so-called “plant hunters” that traveled abroad and collected exotic plants for study.
Gardening history in the form of Egyptian tomb paintings dating from 1500 BC show us the formal gardens.
The legendary “Hanging Gardens of Babylon” were supposedly built around 600 BC, but there is little evidence that they actually existed.
The idea of formal decorative gardens developed further in Europe during the Renaissance and continues to this day.
Vegetable gardening, where the gardener raised various crops for the family consumption, were most often tended by the woman of the house as “kitchen gardens.”
Many of the large estates of the day also had kitchen gardens, although on a larger scale, naturally.
It is thought that the larger commercial “market gardens” evolved in France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Gardening Today
Gardening is probably one of the best hobbies that a more laborious nature lover can take up. The reason why I choose to call this hobby laborious is because it surely does involve a good deal of physical activity.
This hobby is not meant for those nature lovers who simply want to bask in the natural beauty that already exists. Rather it is an ideal pass time for those who want to make their own contribution to the nature.
In order to be a success in gardening, you should have the following qualities:
1.) Besides having a love for gardening you should also have the will and determination to pursue your hobby.
2.) You must be physically fit and agile. Laziness and gardening are anonymous to each other.
3.) Learn to exchange your ideas and information with like-minded people who can show an equal passion for gardening.
4.) Try laying your hands on almost any books, magazines or articles that can enhance your knowledge on gardening.
5.) Be prepared to invest a small amount of your earnings in purchasing the “Can’t do without”, gardening tools.
The world of gardening is wide and it has immense possibilities for those who want to explore it with the right zeal and enthusiasm. You can choose from indoor gardening, outdoor gardening, landscaping, cultivating exotic herbs, growing bonsais and thus the list is endless.
However it is important to do a fair amount of research work before delving into any of these fields. You should master up the art of choosing the right plants and also learn the techniques favorable for their productivity and growth.
Growing plants is not enough.
Deciding where the plants should grow is also an important aspect of gardening. Nothing can be more distasteful than a garden which has color clashing flowers growing all around in a haphazardly manner. So be careful about allocating the plants their respective locations.
Arrange the assortments of flowers in accordance with their heights, textures and colors so that they complement each other without diminishing the beauty of your garden.
Keep aside one day from the entire week to be your gardening day.
Generally weekends would be a good choice, but if you are retired, any day will do. On this day, equip yourself with all the essential gardening tools and accessories and get down to your work.
Include children or friends that are equally interested in gardening. The more the merrier!
Be sure to maintain your gardening tools because well maintained tools can give you years of good performance. After all tools aren’t something that you can afford to buy every week. A lesson learned as a child…when you are done gardening for the day, clean your tools well and store them in their right place.
Whether you are an efficient gardener or not is most often proved by your garden itself. So stop twiddling your thumbs and put your green fingers to use. As far as gardening is concerned, if you have really put in hard work your efforts will never go futile. Remember, Gardening is perhaps one of the best hobbies that a more laborious nature lover can take up.